
How to open and close a new chart?

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To see how to open the new chart window, follow the instructions below:

1. Using the top bar

You can open a new chart by clicking on the “New Chart” icon in the top bar.

click on the new chart icon in the top toolbar and choose your desired currency

2. Using the File Menu

Click on “File” from the top menu and choose “New Chart” to open a new chart.

click on the "File" option in the top bar and click on new chart

3. Using the Market Watch window

Click on a symbol in the “Market Watch” window that you want to trade, then drag and drop it to the existing chart or blank space on the platform.

Also, you can right-click on the “Market Watch” window and choose “Chart Window”.

Right click on the currency and choose chart window

To close the opened chart, just right-click on it and choose “Close”.

Right click on the chart and choose "close" option

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