How can an IB transfer funds to his/her clients' accounts?
Estimated reading: 1 minute
First, log in to your client cabinet.
After logging in, move your mouse over the “Partnership” tab. There, you’ll see options for “MT4” and “MT5”.
Choose the right one depending on the client’s account. If you need to send money to an MT4 account, move your mouse over “MT4”, and for an MT5 account, over “MT5”. Then, click “Send Fund” to go ahead.
On the next page, you have to fill in the details for sending money. Pick the IB account you like, then the account where you want to send the money. After that, type in the amount you want to transfer.
Once you’ve put in all the needed information, click the “Submit” button to start the transfer.
Remember, it can take from 1 to 24 hours for the transfer to process. Our system makes sure each transfer is safe and done well.