GOLD H4 Daily Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 26.07.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The GOLD market (GOLD/USD, XAU/USD) is closely watched by traders due to its safe-haven status and sensitivity to economic data. Today, several key economic indicators from the U.S. are expected to impact the gold market. The Core PCE Price Index m/m, forecasted at 0.2%, is crucial as it influences inflation expectations and the Federal Reserve's monetary policy. Lower-than-expected data could weaken the...

EURUSD H4 Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 25.07.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The EUR/USD forecast today is currently influenced by a series of upcoming economic events and data releases. For the USD, key events include speeches from FOMC members Bowman and Logan, as well as President Biden's announcement. High-impact data such as the Advance GDP q/q, Unemployment Claims, and Durable Goods Orders will also play crucial roles. These events are likely to provide significant...

USD/CAD H4 Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 24.07.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The USD/CAD news analysis today is driven by several economic indicators and significant announcements. For the Canadian dollar, the key factors affecting the value of CAD include the Bank of Canada (BoC) Monetary Policy Report, the BoC Rate Statement, and the Overnight Rate decision. These announcements will provide insights into Canada's economic outlook and monetary policy direction, directly affecting the CAD's strength....

USDJPY H4 Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 07.23.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The USD/JPY news analysis today is influenced by several fundamental factors, including economic indicators from the United States and Japan. For the USD, upcoming data from the National Association of Realtors and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond are crucial. Home resales, which reflect consumer confidence and economic health, can significantly impact the USD. Similarly, the Richmond Fed Index provides insights into...

BTCUSD Daily Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 22.07.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

Today's BTC/USD pair Analysis could be significantly impacted by U.S. political developments, notably President Biden's unexpected decision to withdraw from the 2024 election and endorse Kamala Harris. This surprise political shift could introduce high volatility in the USD, potentially influencing Bitcoin as investors may look to cryptocurrencies as alternative investments during periods of uncertainty in traditional markets. 

Price Action Analysis:

The BTC/USD chart shows...

USDCAD Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 19.07.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The USD/CAD forex pair, reflecting the exchange rate between the US Dollar (USD) and the Canadian Dollar (CAD), is poised for a volatile session given today's economic data releases. The USD is under scrutiny with low-impact events such as TIC Long-Term Purchases, which came in significantly lower than forecasted at -54.6B versus the expected 98.4B. Additionally, speeches from multiple FOMC members, including...

EURUSD H4 Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 18.07.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The EUR/USD forecast today is heavily influenced by the economic releases from Europe and the U.S. For the Euro, factors like the results from bond auctions by the General Secretariat of the Treasury and statements from the ECB provide key insights into fiscal health and monetary policy decisions. Upcoming ECB interest rate decisions and statements could affect the Euro's strength. For the...

AUDUSD H4 Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 07.17.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The AUD/USD forecast today is shaped by the economic health and policy decisions in both the United States and Australia. For the US, today's data releases include Building Permits and Housing Starts, both crucial indicators of the housing market's strength. Additionally, the Industrial Production m/m and Capacity Utilization Rate are key economic indicators to watch. Statements from FOMC Members Barkin and Waller,...

EURCAD H4 Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 07.16.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The EUR/CAD forecast today reflects the economic health and policy decisions of the Eurozone and Canada. For the Euro, upcoming data releases such as the IT Trade Balance, EZ Trade Balance, and ZEW Economic Sentiment Index are key indicators. Positive trade balance figures and optimistic sentiment from institutional investors can boost the Euro. Conversely, Canada's economic health is gauged by indicators like...

EURUSD H4 Technical and Fundamental Analysis for 15.07.2024

Time Zone: GMT +3Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The EUR/USD news analysis today is influenced by several fundamental factors. Recent data from Eurostat indicates changes in the industrial production of the Eurozone, with the latest figures showing a positive trend, suggesting economic recovery. The upcoming Eurogroup meeting could further impact the EUR/USD forecast today as finance ministers discuss economic policies. On the USD side, key events include the Empire State...