Author - Alfred Leon

BCHUSD analysis for 22.02.2024

Time Zone: GMT +2Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that resulted from a hard fork of Bitcoin, aiming to provide faster transactions by increasing the block size. Fundamental factors impacting BCH include its adoption rate, regulatory news regarding cryptocurrency, technological advancements, and the overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market. Additionally, competition from other cryptocurrencies and potential forks can influence investor confidence and price. With the...

EURNZD analysis for 20.02.2024

Time Zone: GMT +2Time Frame: 4 Hours (H4) 

Fundamental Analysis:

The EURNZD currency pair reflects the economic dynamics between the Eurozone and New Zealand, encompassing factors like the European Central Bank's (ECB) monetary policies, Eurozone economic health, and New Zealand's export data, among others. The Euro is influenced by fiscal developments within the EU and broader geopolitical issues affecting the region. The New Zealand Dollar often reacts to changes in commodity prices,...