Author - admin_fx20

FXGlory announcement on Swiss Franc Movement

Dear clients, Fxglory company informs the clients that: The Swiss National Bank’s unexpected policy reversal of capping the Swiss franc against the euro causes volatility in EUR/CHF pair that was unexpected for brokers and liquidity providers. Based on our liquidity providers' announcement we cannot guarantee any trades on pairs which include CHF till further announcement. Clients should be certain that all other pairs work as before and without any problems. Fxglory lifetime policy is...

Schedule for Christmas Holidays 2014-2015

Dear Clients!

Best wishes for a happy holiday season and our sincere thanks for your loyalty and goodwill throughout the year. May the New Year bring you happiness, wealth and prosperity. We would like to inform you about the upcoming changes in the trading schedule due to the Christmas and New Year holiday period. Fxglory operating hours are rescheduled as follows: (GMT+02:00 time zone, 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time) Date Trading hours 24.12.2014 Market will close...

Credit Card deposit is available for the US clients

Nowadays Credit/Debit Card is the fastest payment system. Fxglory provides this payment method for its clients so that they can fund their Fxglory account(s) with the use of their Credit/Debit Cards throughout the world. Unfortunately there was a cease for this payment method. After continuous efforts, we provide this payment method for our clients again as well as the US clients. So, from now on, the US clients are also able to fund...

Fxglory Working Hours during New Year’s Day

Dear Clients,

The holiday season offers us a special opportunity to extend our personal thanks to our customers, and our very best wishes for the future. All of us in Fxglory join in wishing you a Happy Holiday Season with the best of everything in the coming New Year! Please note that due to holiday season our operating hours are rescheduled as follows: (GMT+02:00 time zone, 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time) Date Trading hours 24.12.2013 Market...

Stopping Service to Bangladeshi and Indonesian Clients

Dear Clients, Based on Fxglory board decision, Fxglory company cannot accept clients from Indonesia and Bangladesh furthermore. The details of this new rule is as below: 1) Fxglory won't accept any new registration from "Indonesia" and "Bangladesh" from 26th November 2013. 2) Fxglory won't accept any new deposits for existing accounts which are registered from "Indonesia" and "Bangladesh" from 26th November 2013. 3) All of the existing accounts which are registered from those countries can trade...

Withdrawal Fees and Limitations

Dear Clients, From 2013/11/01 the Fxglory applied new fees on client’s withdrawal. When you use Credit/Debit Card to make a deposit, for withdrawal you must use one of the available e-wallet methods. The minimum amount of withdrawal and the withdrawal fee for Credit/Debit Card method depends on the e-wallet method that you use for withdrawal. Also the minimum amount for deposit via Credit/Debit Card is 50$. Withdrawal fee for NETELLER method is 4%, and...

Notification for Liberty Reserve Clients

Dear Clients, Unfortunately the electronic payment system Liberty Reserve is currently unavailable due to reasons that are still unclear. Therefore, this method will be unavailable for Deposit or Withdrawal operations from 05/24/2013 till unknown time. In this process we lost huge amount of our resources and we are waiting for a logical response from Liberty Reserves company. In other words we are committed to our clients. In this case, our board has decided...